“Alumni Thanksgiving” is always a family time with home-made food, tasty turkey and good drinks. But this time it was… fantastic! For the sixth time, we had the opportunity to meet in the Alumni circle, together with friends from the US Consulate General in Krakow and American Fulbrighters who came to Poland on their scholarships.

But “Alumni Thanksgiving” is not only about eating and drinking. These are primarily conversations and discussions between new members of our “Alumni family” and those with longer experience. Joanna Pottle, an American artist and Fulbrighter, who decided to stay in Poland after completing her scholarship, presented her lecture on the Thanksgiving tradition in the USA. After the lecture, there was a lively discussion about the history of this holiday and its various shades in America.

This event would not have been possible without the help of several people: Dr. Stanisław Kowalski, Rector of the University of Economics and Computer Science; Maria Brzostek and Althea Cawley-Murphee from the US Consulate General in Krakow; and especially Piotr Zimoch from the Board of our Association.