Alumni integration trip to the Nida River, September 16-18, 2022

On September 16-18, 2022, members of our Association met for an integration trip. This time we came to the Świętokrzyskie region, and more specifically to the Nida basin.

During the whole stay, we were hosted by the agritourism farm “Sabat” in Imielno. It was our starting point throughout our stay and a place for shared meals, meetings and fun. The stay program was very rich. And it was taken care of by Wojciech Sołtysiak (IVLP, 2013) – member of the team “Life4Delta – restoration of the inland delta of the Nida River”.

It all started on Friday afternoon, when we met around a barbecue and campfire. With good food and various drinks, we spent time late at night, chatting long.

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American Day 2022



After two years of the pandemic, the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice returned to the event of “American Day”. On September 14, entrepreneurs were invited to its headquarters in Katowice so as to learn about investment opportunities in the United States, engage in dialogue and open up to the cooperation of representatives of the SME sector from Poland and the USA. The event also promoted partner relations between the two countries. Read More

Meeting with the FLEX graduates



On July 29 in Warsaw, a workshop meeting was held to sum up this year’s edition of the FLEX program. It is a program of stay in the United States, addressed to young people. Dariusz Góra, member of the Board of our Association, met with the participants of the workshops to present the activities of the Alumni Association and encourage young people to join our ranks. Read More

US State Department Award for Irena Dawid-Olczyk


On July 19, 2022, Irena Dawid-Olczyk, a member of the Alumni Association, but above all the head of the La Strada Foundation, was recognized as one of the heroes in the annual report of the US State Department on the fight against human trafficking: “Trafficing in Person Report 2022” .
During the ceremony in Washington, Irena received an award from Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State, “in recognition of her extraordinary leadership in directly assisting victims of human trafficking” and “maintaining a strong relationship with the Polish Government to prevent the exploitation of refugees across the Polish-Ukraine border.” Read More

Alumni Meeting in Brussels / July 8, 2022 / Midtown Grill Brussels


One of the advantages of the Alumni Association is its wide network of contacts with people who took part in numerous US government programs. Especially for Poles staying abroad. The opportunity to meet Fulbrighters, IVLP participants and other grantees from Poland is a great opportunity not only to establish professional contacts, but also to meet compatriots, spend time in a relaxed atmosphere and – which should be emphasized – talk to someone in Polish. Read More

British Alumni Society General Assembly


On March 25, 2022, the General Meeting of the British Alumni Society (BAS), which is the partner of the Alumni Association, was held in Warsaw.

During the General Meeting, elections to the BAS Management Board for the next term were held.

The Management Board of the Alumni Association was represented by Jan Gasparski, who congratulated the new BAS authorities on the election and stressed the importance of partnership between our associations.

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The announcement of the Board of the Polish Alumni Association



The announcement of the Board of the Polish Alumni Association

Once again in history, the Russian government, guided solely by the law of the stronger, is aiming to change the borders of neighboring countries by force. In the face of the war in Ukraine, the Board of the Polish Alumni Association unequivocally takes the side of the attacked Ukrainians. We, the Alumni of programs sponsored by the American government, represent a community that pursues the goal of bringing closer together the peoples of Poland and of the United States, of deepening interpersonal relations, and of promoting the virtues of democratic societies. We are opposed to any form of violence and conflict between nations.

In this hour of trial, we stand shoulder to shoulder with the Ukrainians, united under the proud banner of Freedom!



Повідомлення правління Польської Aсоціації Алюмні

Вкотре в історії влада Росії намагається примусово змінити кордони сусідніх держав, керуючись виключно правом сильнішого. В умовах війни в Україні Правління Асоціації Алюмні однозначно стає на бік атакованих Українців. Ми, стипендіати та стипендіатки американських урядових програм, творимо спільноту, яка має на меті зблизити народи Польщі та Сполучених Штатів, поглибити міжособистісні стосунки та пропагувати чесноти демократичних суспільств. Ми проти будь-якої форми насильства та конфлікту між націями.

У цю годину випробування ми стоїмо пліч-о-пліч з Українцями, об’єднані під гордим прапором Свободи!