The announcement of the Board of the Polish Alumni Association



The announcement of the Board of the Polish Alumni Association

Once again in history, the Russian government, guided solely by the law of the stronger, is aiming to change the borders of neighboring countries by force. In the face of the war in Ukraine, the Board of the Polish Alumni Association unequivocally takes the side of the attacked Ukrainians. We, the Alumni of programs sponsored by the American government, represent a community that pursues the goal of bringing closer together the peoples of Poland and of the United States, of deepening interpersonal relations, and of promoting the virtues of democratic societies. We are opposed to any form of violence and conflict between nations.

In this hour of trial, we stand shoulder to shoulder with the Ukrainians, united under the proud banner of Freedom!



Повідомлення правління Польської Aсоціації Алюмні

Вкотре в історії влада Росії намагається примусово змінити кордони сусідніх держав, керуючись виключно правом сильнішого. В умовах війни в Україні Правління Асоціації Алюмні однозначно стає на бік атакованих Українців. Ми, стипендіати та стипендіатки американських урядових програм, творимо спільноту, яка має на меті зблизити народи Польщі та Сполучених Штатів, поглибити міжособистісні стосунки та пропагувати чесноти демократичних суспільств. Ми проти будь-якої форми насильства та конфлікту між націями.

У цю годину випробування ми стоїмо пліч-о-пліч з Українцями, об’єднані під гордим прапором Свободи!

Alumni Carnival 2022


January 2022 was held under the banner of “Alumnus Carnival”. “Alumnus Carnival” is a series of provincial meetings of Alumni over coffee & tea & beer & wine (of choice). For the first time in a very long time, we wanted to meet in real life, i.e. in a cafe / pub / restaurant, to get to know each other better. Read More

15th Anniversary of Polish Alumni Association

I wish all the best on the birthday to all members of the Polish Alumni Association, the Board, the Steering Committee, the Audit Committee and myself!

It has been 15 years since the Polish Alumni Association was established. On January 17, 2007, a resolution establishing him was signed. This resolution was signed by 16 people. After 15 years, our “Alumnus family” has grown a lot and currently counts 880 people.

Let’s invite more participants of the US State Department programs to our “Alumnus Family”, so we could celebrate our next birthday together.

Rafal Pieprzyk


A Visit at the Jewish Historical Institute


In November 23 this year a dozen of members of the Alumni Association had the opportunity to visit the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw. During the visit, they got to know the main exhibition “What we could not shout out to the world” devoted to the Ringelblum Archive, learn about the activities of the conspiratorial group Oneg Szabat and the collection of documents that testify to the extermination of Polish Jews. Read More

The conference on „Smart City for residents and the environment”

The conference „Smart City for residents and the environment” was held in Krakow on October 21. The conference was organized by Dr. Wojciech Blecharczyk, member of our Association.

The conference, which begins the series and subsequent seminars and workshops, aims to present the level of advancement of local governments in implementing the principles of sustainable development, the Smart City concept, Smart Villages, the circular economy and urban resilience. As part of the cycle, innovative solutions improving the quality of life of residents will be presented. During the deliberations, presentations and discussions, the results of scientists’ research, many years of experience of practitioners and local government officials as well as the opinions of specialists, municipal agencies and social organizations were presented.

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“Talking about the future” – we continue our series of online discussions

We are continuing the series of discussions about the future of Poland and Poles under the joint title “Talking about the future”. Scientists, specialists, social leaders and practitioners from the Alumni Association will talk about various spheres of modern life that are changing as a result of the coronavirus epidemic and the social, political and economic changes of recent months. Together, we will consider the future of education, science, economy, business, the third sector, culture, international affairs, security, self-governance, society of the 21st century and others.

We meet once a month at 6 PM, organizing a LIVE on the Association’s fanpage on Facebook. This is where we created a dedicated streaming channel:

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Strategic Workshops of the Board


On the weekend of 24-25 July, the members of the Board met in Warsaw to participate in the workshops aiming for creating the future strategy of the Alumni Association. A strategy that is to answer not only the questions of what our Association is today, what tasks is to be carried out and in which direction to go, but also what benefits will its members get by engaging in the activities of our “Alumni family”. Read More

Meeting with FLEX 2021 Alumni

On July 15, 2021, a meeting was held with this year’s FLEX alumni who had their adventure as part of “Virtual Programming”. The ‘Welcome Evening’ was organized by the American Councils for International Education – Poland.
The Alumni Association was represented by its board members: Jan Gasparski and Agata Cieszewska who shared their experiences of participating in research programs at universities in the USA. They emphasized the importance of our organization, which brings together participants of programs sponsored by the Department of State, and at the same time encouraging active involvement in its activities.
Thanks for Rozalia Rzepka for organizing the meeting.