“American Day: Think BIG!” was an event organized by the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice. This cyclical event’s goal is to promote partnership relations between the United States and Poland, mutual understanding of investment opportunities, initiation of dialogue and openness to cooperation between representatives of the SME sector in both countries. And so it’s been for the sixth time.
This time, the “American Day” presented an extended formula. In the lecture part, the following topics were discussed: “Polish-American cooperation in the field of economic exchange, scientific cooperation and technology development”, “prospects for Polish and American investments and possibilities of support for entrepreneurs” and “legal aspects of running a business in the USA”. The workshops part focused on topics of: “Culture and cultural communication in the USA” and “Export marketing – how to promote your company and its offer on the American market?”. We managed to gather in one place experts in the field of Polish-American economic cooperation, the development of start-ups, the presence of American capital in Poland, and specialists in the legal aspects of doing business in the USA. An additional and positive element of the event was the networking session, during which the gathered guests and speakers could talk in a relaxed atmosphere, exchange experiences and ask about details related to running a business in the USA.
The Alumni Association took the event under its patronage, thus joining the group of distinguished partners such as the US Consulate General in Krakow, the American Chamber of Commerce in Poland and the Polish-American Cooperation Council.
I am pleased to announce that the Alumni Association also co-organized the artistic part of “American Day: Think BIG!” We had the opportunity to invite the American artist Joanna Pottle to Katowice. Joanna came from the USA to Poland in 2019 as part of the Fulbright Program. Currently she lives in Krakow. During the “American Day” she presented her exhibition titled: “Re-thinking across borders”. The works presented there showed her personal intercultural experiences and reflect her adaptation to a new language and culture.