Alumni spring trip to Szczawnica

On 17-19 May, Alumni went to Szczawnica in the Pieniny mountains to spend time together, get to know each other, have fun, and at the same time talk about the future of the Association.
The organizer of the trip was Dorota Michniewicz-Rybarz, Vice President of the Association.

The program included a lot of attractions: great and tasty grilling; trip to Palenica by cable car and walking down to the Dunajec valley; rock concert of the band Bad Dogs in the club Muzyczna Owczarnia and tour of the spa with tasting mineral water.
Pieniny hosted the Alumni with great, sunny and spring weather. Excellent conditions were provided by the owners of the Uroda Pension. And the atmosphere during the entire trip was excellent, often interspersed with a large dose of humor and smile.
It is only a shame that so few members of the Association enjoy the opportunity to spend time together.